Ambassador and Chief Digital Officer (CDO) of .ART Domains.
Founder & CEO of Digital Art & Tech Agency Tech4.Art.
Expert, lecturer, and researcher in Art & Cultural Heritage Tech, art digitization, digital collection management, AI, web3, and NFT.
Expert and lecturer in Leadership, Organizational Culture, Digital Transformation, and Management of companies. Extensive teaching experience in universities and MBA programs.
2013-2022 - Deputy Director of the Pushkin Museum (Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts) for Digital Transformation and Development (CDTO).
2012-2022 – Head of the Department of Information Technologies in the Field of Culture at the Graduate School of Business at the Higher School of Economics.
A former member of the Presidium of the International Council of Museums Russia (ICOM). Former Head of the Governing Board of 4CIO, the leading club of CIOs and directors for digital transformation in Russia. Former member of the Presidium of ADIT (Automation of Museums and Information Technology Association). Former Board member of the Russian Association for Digital Humanities. Actively participated in industry conferences on digital technologies, organization, and management in the museum and cultural sectors, including the Russian committee of the UNESCO Information for All Program. Served as an expert for several charitable foundations and awards. Additional education teacher of the highest category since 2005.
Kyokushin karate Black Belt (Sensei, III dan, IFK), Yiquan-Qigong style instructor, and trainer-mentor of the Center for Martial Arts and Sports "MARS" (since 1999).
In 2002, I began my career as a database programmer and specialist in the development and maintenance of web projects. From 2007–2013, as Deputy General Director of a commercial IT company, I participated on behalf of the company in managing more than 40 projects with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the State Research Center of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, and major cultural institutions, including the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Hermitage, the State Russian Museum, the Russian State Library, and other large cultural institutions. I was a member of the working group for the preparation of the multimedia exhibition "Culture of Russia" for the APEC-2012 summit, curator of the exhibition "Museum Tech," and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Festival of Museums "Intermuseum-2013." Curator of the tracks for the business program on digital technologies at the international festival "InterMuseum" 2018–2020.
Project leader of the ICOM Russia School of Digital Development of Museums.
Watch my lectures, reports, and interviews on my YouTube channel. The link is in the contact section.